Friday, September 30, 2011

First logo sketches

We were practicing the different principles of design in class. These are a few sketches that I drew in my notebook by hand.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Giraffe Mood boards

Since we weren't given the actual assignment I decided to make two moodboards. Giraffes are usually associated with tall noble creatures, or in many cases silly and fun animals that are fun to make into patterns, toys, cartoons, etc.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

illustrator logos

The logos on the left are the original pixelated logos that we had to copy in illustrator. The logos on the right are the logos that I copied using the pen tool and the recolored.

Ariana James.MP4

animal images

A giraffe, otherwise known as Giraffa camelopardalis, can be found living in primarily dry savannahs and open woodlands.They typically eat acacia leaves (up to 75 pounds a day!) which also provide most of their water intake as well. Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world and are typically known because of their long necks which are actually too short to enable their heads to reach the ground. They have to spread their legs awkwardly in order to reach water from the ground. Giraffes feed for 16-20 hours a day and have the largest heart of any mammal which beats up to 170 times/minute. It is measured at about 2 feet long and weighs around 25 pounds. Scientists have to be careful when they capture wild giraffes that they don't run them too hard, or else they will suffer from a heart attack due to their extremely high blood pressure.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

7 images

Image 1.
Alleviate means to make easier to endure, to lessen, or mitigate. These images relate to each other because the "guilty" person on the right is trying to alleviate that guilt injuring themselves and etching guilt into their wrist. The image on the left is metaphorically the monster, pain, or guilt in side that they feel which is being alleviated as they cut themselves and diminishing into the air. The typeface responds to both of these images and metaphors by leaning towards the wrist, as if it is being blown by the part of the monster that is blowing. It also relates because each letter is separated, alleviating it from being bound to the rest of the letters.

Image 2.
The three images relate to each other because they show the two different sides of guilt. Guilt is the central image, the other two are both being sucked into the guilt from the outside. The image on the left is the burden that guilt bestows on the person who is suffering from it. It is showing the monster that you can become when you hold such a burden inside. The image on the right shows the relief that you can have if you let the guilt go or face it and overcome it.

Image 3.
Alleviate means to make easier to endure, to lessen, or mitigate. The image on the right is of the word "guilt" being written or etched into a person's wrist. I interpret this to be symbolic of someone cutting themselves because they are burdened by guilt and not able to handle it. The image on the left is the alleviation from the guilt once the person overcomes it or faces it. They are free and the guilt is blowing away. The word in the center relates to the images because it is leaning away from the guilt and towards the right picture, as if saying "you will be alleviated if you just face and overcome your pain".
Image 4.
Hypnogogic means to dream or to be in a dreamlike state. The image on the left is a monster being sucked or blown out of its frame. The image on the right is a wrist with the word guilt written on it or etched into in. These images related to each other because the image on the left can be the monster inside of this person who is guilty. The guilt written wrist plays off of people who cut their wrists because they are disturbed, guilty, or depressed and need to be relieved from that pain. The image on the left being sucked out of its frame could symbolize the relief that guilty person gets from hurting themselves. The type in the middle flows, connecting it with the image of the monster. The two bold letts, "n" and "g" are dripping blood which connects the word with the image on the right as well.

Image 5.
Hypnogogic means to dream or be in a dreamlike state. The image on the left is of a wrist with the word "guilt" inscribed on it. The image on the right is of a woman smelling a rose and seemingly escaping to her happy place. I interpret the image-word relationship to mean that this guilty person is dreaming of what life could be like if they weren't burdened by the pain of guilt. It can also be interpreted the opposite way of this person trying to escape into a dream world but being overcome by guilt in the process. The word hypnogogic is very airy and relates to the image on the right by seemingly blowing, and to the image on the left by seemingly bleeding. It is mirrored showing the two opposing dream-states of the painful guilt and the relieving rose.

Image 6.
Alleviate means to make easier to endure, to lessen, or mitigate. The word relates to each image because the faces are blowing away, being alleviated from the solid form that they were. The woman on the right is being alleviated from the monster that lives inside of her (the image on the left. By smelling the rose and letting her mind escape. The typeface I chose for alleviate is very airy and carefree. I chose to kern the letters out so that they were no longer toucher, alleviating them from being attached to one another.

Image 7.
Hypnogogic means "resembling a dream" or dreamlike. I thought that these surreal images both portrayed a dreamlike state. I chose these two images because they look like the reflection of the same dream in a good and bad context. The image on the left is the bad dream and the image on the right is the good dream. I also chose these two pictures because they aesthetically balance one another. There is a strong dark emphasis in the bottom righthand corner of the right image, and a strong dark emphasis in the top lefthand corner of the left image. I intertwined the actual word "hypnogogic" to its reflection to show the relationship between the  good and evil images.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Final word-image

Hypnogogic means "resembling a dream" or dreamlike. I thought that these surreal images both portrayed a dreamlike state. I chose these two images because they look like the reflection of the same dream in a good and bad context. The image on the left is the bad dream and the image on the right is the good dream. I also chose these two pictures because they aesthetically balance one another. There is a strong dark emphasis in the bottom righthand corner of the right image, and a strong dark emphasis in the top lefthand corner of the left image. I intertwined the actual word "hypnogogic" to its reflection to show the relationship between the  good and evil images.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

juxtaposition images

Chimera- A horrible or unreal creature from the imagination. I chose these images because they both portray terrifying monsters that are scary in their own way. The one on the left is looking at you which is intimidating and the one on the right has fangs and is distorted. I turned the "I" in the word chimera into a slash or dagger so as to make the image scarier. 

Hynogogic- Vivid perceptual experiences occurring at sleep. I chose these images because they are both surreal and imaginative. They look dreamlike or like they derived from the subconscious mind. I chose to flip and mirror the word to make it seem like more of a play on the subconcious. It symbolizes reality from the unreal. I changed a couple of the letters within the word to different typefaces to make it more dreamlike and attract an emphasis to the center of the page.

Elude- To avoid or escape. The image on the right shows a woman smelling a rose and her mind escaping. This is symbolic of escaping into her own imagination. The picture on the right shows a serene place in which one could go to escape or avoid something, or to simply be alone and at peace. I chose to make the letters in the word look as though they were escaping by falling off.

incongruous- Ridiculous, absurd, out of place. The image on the left already had censor marks across the man's body. I chose to include them in the picture on the right as well so as to balance out the images. These pictures are both absurd and inappropriate because these people are naked in public. I split the word up into 2 parts to play off the whole "out of place" definition because the 2nd half of the word is literally out of place.

muse- To meditate on; to dream. I chose the picture on the left because the woman looks at peace and as if she is still pursuing her dreams even at her old age. She seems as thought doing ceramics is meditative to her. The picture on the right is surreal and dreamy and seems as though the woman is lost  fantasizing in her own dream world. I chose the typeface because it seemed calming and dreamy to me. I chose to add an ellipse at the end as if to say that there really is no end to muse.

7 words

verve, halcyon, rapport, tenacious, incogruous, musing, callow

Thursday, September 1, 2011

This image makes me think of the relationship that people can have with their dogs. It shows a dog being a companion to its owner while they're out exercising, motivating her to push herself and keep up the pace. This image could also suggest a seeing eye dog in training or physical therapy for an animal that needs it. The words motivation, loyalty, companion, exercise, strive, pace, and train come to mind when I look at this image. This image could be interesting with a supporting word added to it to put it into context.
The images that I'm focusing on are the binky, watch, and cuff links in the top right hand corner. This image makes me think of men who are becoming fathers, and the transition or balance between that. It could suggest the hardships that it poses for bachelors who are used to living for themselves having to be responsible and "settle down". It could also metaphorically suggest that men are babies instead of suggesting babies in literal terms. In which case a word or phrase added to the image could support this message.  This image could become comical if it were to be shifted to a professional business man with the binky in his mouth looking at his watch, almost like a countdown to when the baby is coming. 

The text that is already at the bottom of this image kind of gives it away and suggest it to be a tranquil place to relax. I would remove the text and maybe subvert the message of this image by making it seem more like someone is lost and this is where they have settled or that they are lonely. You could do this by adding an image of a sad looking person or even just shifting the image by ruffling the newspaper and tipping over the coffee to make it a more frazzled scene.  It also has the feel of a garden within in an old person's home which would support the traquil relaxing message. By adding a cane or even just a shadow of a person with a cane the image could be put into this context. Also just adding a word or catch phrase (like that which has already been done, "cultivating the senses") the tranquil scene could be supported.

I find this picture to be hilarious, but I don't really understand the "more than shoes" motto. I feel like they could have come up with a much more clever supporting saying to go with this. I would shift this image by adding a different phrase to support the message. The woman's graceful posture looks almost as if she is iceskating or dancing. You could completely subvert the image by making her shoes into ice skates and placing him in an arena. It would still be humorous due to the fact that she would be ice skating naked. I think that by cropping the picture right below the woman's butt and just having her legs and the shoes showing, it would create an interesting shoe ad. You could then add a word or catch phrase next to her feet in the open grass area to tie everything together. 

I feel like this photo could almost be one of those "live happy, live healthy" themed advertisements. The old woman just looks so healthy, doing what she is passionate and is so calm. By adding a nuance like a small multivitamin for older adults, or an arthritis medicine logo in the bottom right corner it could really change the context of this image. Even something like a "got milk?" ad could work. Give her a milk mustache and add "got milk?". Any kind of health, happy, calm, or how to live well message would support this image. 

I feel as though this image could be a book cover. It could have a title running straight across the rose. It could even become creepy and confronting if her eyes were to be looking straight at you instead of being closed. Since it gives you a dreamy feeling when looking at it, this image could be supported by adding a cloud on top of her head where the rose petals are currently blowing. It would suggest that her "head is in the clouds". I think that image could also be supported if there were to be an elegant, romantic poem added to it. Also, come to think of it, by changing the entire color scheme to something more bright, vibrant, and abstract the entire feel of this image would be changed. 

I am focusing on the image in the top right corner. She is very sporty, covered in sweat, and obviously does not want to be messed with. I think of strong empowering women. The fact that she is in a rough rugged environment and not portrayed as very feminine it seems to be making a feminist statement. By adding a feminist phrase this idea could be supported. Also by simply changing her environment to something more casual and womanly, but leaving her in the masculine state that she is in, this image could be subverted.